Indian Rummy is a widely played 13-card game between 2-6 players. Each player is dealt 13 cards at the start of the game by the dealer and they have to pick or discard cards from the open deck to make sets and sequences. The winner of the game is decided by a valid declaration which must include a pure sequence and sets.
The players need to have keen mathematical skills and strategic thinking to understand when to pick or discard certain cards. They also need to calculate the next move of their opponents and understand which sets or sequences they are trying to make.
Rummy is a simple game to understand and play, but to become truly competitive, the player needs to showcase immense patience and spend some time practicing the game daily. Practice will help in developing the finer skills like strategic thinking and the ability to read the opponent’s next move.
If a player is starting off in the world of Rummy, it is best to start playing on the practice tables first. Online rummy apps like Rummyprime offer free practice games that a player can use to understand the rules and also develop the finer skills. It is best to indulge in practice games before risking real cash on cash rummy tables.
In this blog we will explore some necessary Rummy tips and tricks to help players grow into the world of online Rummy. The more competitive and professionally inclined players tend to develop these tricks and moves to outsmart their opponents.
Discard Duplicate Cards at the Earliest
If there are 2-6 players in a game, then there are two decks of 52 cards used to play the game of Rummy. In such a case, chances are you will receive two cards of the same value and the same suit. These cards are duplicate cards and you cannot make sets or sequences with duplicate cards. Hence, it is advised to drop these cards at the earliest to avoid making invalid declarations.
High Value Cards Should also be Discarded if Required
High value cards are basically those which have a sum value of 10 points in the game. In Rummy that is the King, Queen, Jack, Ace as well as the number 10 card. These cards will only help you if you have more of them to make sets or are completing a sequence of 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace. Unless you have the feeling that you’re able to complete a proper set or sequence with these high value cards at the start, it is better to discard them and avoid getting the points added to your total.
Discard Cards Close to the Joker
This is a good way to play for beginners in the game, whenever players receive a wildcard joker, they can discard the cards adjacent or close to that joker. The advantage is that the wildcard joker can then be used to make sets or sequences with high value cards, hence reducing those points. Also, it helps throw your opponents off track, because they won’t understand what sets or sequences you’re making.
For example: The wildcard joker is 5 ♠️, then discarding 4 ♠️, 6 ♠️ and 7 ♠️ would be helpful as mentioned above.
Printed Joker and Wildcard Joker can be Used Smartly
In a standard game of Rummy there will be one printed joker, that can be used as a substitute for any card that you don’t have to complete a set or an impure sequence.
The real game is played with the wildcard jokers which is pre-decided by the dealer at the start of the game, for example - 2 is the wildcard joker, then you can use this card to complete a set like K ♠, K ♣, 2 ♥ or a sequence like 4 ♠️, ? ♠, 6 ♠ where the ‘5’ card is missing, the joker can be used to complete the sequence 4 ♠, 2 ♥, 6 ♠.
A wildcard joker can be used to complete both numbered sequences and sets if cards are missing. But, they can also be used to throw the opponents off guard and they won’t understand which sets or sequences you’re trying to make.
Also both printed and wildcard joker can be used to block opponents from picking certain cards from the discard pile. As discarded jokers cannot be picked up by the players.
Save Middle Cards for Making Desired Sequences
Middle cards of any suit at a low value are always good to keep. They help in forming sequences quickly. For example: If a player has 4 of spades and has 3 or 5 of the same suit, they can look at forming 2, 3, 4 of spades or 4, 5, 6 of spades. The chances of making a pure sequence increases with middle cards.
4 Card Sequences Increases the Chance of Winning
Making combinations of 4 cards makes it easier to complete the number of sets and sequences in Rummy. If a player manages to complete two combinations of 4 cards, then they only have to make one more of 5 cards, which they can then finish off with a joker card if they already have a pure sequence.
Making Pure Sequences Should be on Priority
In a 13-card Rummy game there are several tips and tricks that one can follow, but the most essential tip is to make one pure sequence to complete a valid declaration. Beginner players usually tend to hold onto certain cards thinking they can make a sequence just because they have two cards of the same suit. This might end in the player losing with a higher amount of points added to their total if someone else declares before them.
For example: If you’ve a 5 ♠ and 6 ♠, then you’re waiting for 4 ♠ or 7 ♠ to complete the pure sequence. But, you get 3 ♠ in your next pick. The idea is to drop the highest value card here, which is 6 ♠ and keep the 3 ♠ because that will add less points to your total if someone else declares before you. Also, you can wait for the 4 ♠ which will help to complete the sequence at a lesser point value.
Never Hold Cards for Too Long
If you’ve some high value cards like Kings, Queens, Jacks or Aces and you’re waiting to complete sets but not getting the right cards. It is better to get rid of these cards for lesser value cards that you pick and try to complete different sets or sequences. Rummy is a time bound game as well, where players might make a valid declaration before you and all those high value cards will add big points to your losing total.
Keep in Mind the Cards you have Discarded
Card counting is frowned upon in competitive card games, but mental math is a good strength to develop for playing online Rummy. Beginners usually don’t remember the cards they discard and eventually keep discarding cards of the same suit or they pick up the wrong suit cards that they discarded before.
Pro players tend to remember the cards they have discarded and try not to consecutively discard the cards of the same suit that might help their opponents to make combinations easily.
Watch Carefully How Your Opponents are Playing
The picking and discarding of cards in 13-card Rummy is an important part of the game. The most amount of strategies are played here by the pro players. The cards that are being picked by the other players is a clear indication of what sets or sequences they are trying to make. Pro players will be mindful of which player is picking a particular suit of cards consecutively. Also, timely dropping a joker on the discard pile to block another player from picking a particular card is also a good tactic if played well.
Fishing Technique to Outsmart Opponents
This is a carefully practiced technique that the highly skilled players can apply during a game of 13-card Rummy. Fishing is basically making your opponent discard a card that you need and for that you bait or trick them.
For example: You’re making a set of 7’s and already have the 7 ♠ and 7 ♥. So you go ahead and drop a 6 ♣ that you have. The opponent might feel you were making a sequence of that suit and drop the 7 ♣ card he has. Fishing requires patience and timing to apply, otherwise the opponent becomes wise to your tricks.
Drop Out at the Right Time
Receiving penalty points is the troublesome part of playing 13-card Rummy. Players who fail to make proper sets and sequences during the game, get all the points of the ungrouped card combinations. The maximum cap is 80 points that a player can receive on failing to make proper sets and sequences. These points can decide whether a player will win or lose during Rummy games that are round based.
But there is a loophole, smart players when they feel that it is going to be really difficult to make combinations with the cards they have been dealt, will drop out of that particular round at the start of the game. Dropping at the start of the game before cards have been picked means only 20 penalty points are added to the total.
Smart players know that you cannot win every round, so it is better to avoid more penalty points and stay in the game.
FAQs on Rummy Tips, Tricks and Strategies
Is it possible to win against pro players if you are a beginner?
There is something called ‘Beginner’s luck’ when learning to play a new game. This essentially means that you will win a few hands and maybe win a game against an experienced player also. But, at the end of the day Rummy or any other card game is a game of skill and requires strategic thinking. Expert players will find patterns in the way a beginner picks or discards their cards and exploit that with their strategy.
It is advisable to play the free practice games available on the Rummyprime app before getting into the competitive cash tables. This will help in building both skill and confidence.
Is it possible to win in Rummy every time?
Even if you follow all the tips and tricks it is not always possible to win every single hand or game of Rummy. Since the winning probability and the time taken to build your sets and sequences depends on the type of cards you are dealt. Even pro players know that you cannot win every hand. But, you should know when to drop out of the game, so that you can avoid more penalty points and win in the longer forms of Rummy.
Is it advisable to start playing cash games directly?
In any new game that you learn and it is true to Rummy also, you should not get into rummy cash games directly without completely understanding the rummy rules. Try out the free practice games on Rummyprime first and learn the skills required to play Rummy. Once you gain enough confidence, try out the smaller cash tables where the risk of losing money is lesser.
For how long should you practice free games before venturing into cash games?
Practice makes perfect - this is completely true for beginners starting off in Rummy. Enjoy the free practice games as long as it takes time to build your skills and confidence. Once you are confident and comfortable enough to win back-to-back practice games, then you can venture into the smaller cash tables.
What is the best trick in Rummy?
The best trick in Rummy is the most obvious one - focus on making the pure sequence first. Just get a three card consecutive suited sequence done and then move on to making other sets or sequences. This will ensure that you don’t get a full load of 80 penalty points in case you fail to complete a valid declaration.
Indian Rummy Tips and Tricks
Players from Meghalaya, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Assam, Odisha, Nagaland and Sikkim are not allowed to play online cash rummy. Know More
DISCLAIMER : This game may be habit-forming or financially risky. Play responsibly. T&C apply. 18+ only.
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